Royal Sage Smudge 皇族鼠尾草

Royal Sage Smudge 皇族鼠尾草


Royal Sage a.k.a Mountain Sage

Royal Sage is ideal for healing and cleansing rituals. It is also used to aid to deepen  meditation. Burning Royal Sage will add a deeper sense of calm and peace to your space. It is most beneficial for a sleeping space, or stressful home.
The robust scent of Royal Sage moves the spirit and brings along understanding, acceptance, and wisdom.

How to Use Sage?

  1.  Loosen the ribbon around the sage then 'break' the sage bundle into smaller bundles.
  2. Take a small bundle of herb and light it up, holding at 45-degree angle.
  3. Let it burn a few seconds then blow out the flames until you see orange embers.
  4. Let the sage sit on a fire-proof container while you gently swaft the smoke throughout your space.

All our herb smudges are from California, USA.