Elite Shungite Chips 50g 銀次石墨

Elite Shungite Chips 50g 銀次石墨


Elite Shungite Gemstone Chips

Shungite is an ancient stone, believed to be at least 2 billion years old and known as the 'Miracle Stone' and Stone of Life' for its remarkable health enhancing properties. Found only on Karelia, Russia, Elite Shungite contains all the minerals in the periodic table and a phenomenal shielding power that arises from its unique formation. Elite Shungite transforms water into biologically active life-enhancing substance, whilst at the same time removing harmful micro-organisms and pollutants. Research has shown that Elite Shungite absorbs that which is hazardous whether it be pesticides, free, radicals, bacterias, EMF, microwave and other vibrational emissions.

Elite Shungite is known as 'Type I Shungite', is silvery and contains 90%-98% carbon, making it safe to place in water for consumption. Because of its frailty, it is sold mostly in raw form.

Making Shungite Water 

Add approximately 15 grams of Elite Shungite into one (1) litre of water and leave for 48 hours to therapeutically activate the water. Drink daily, several times a day to enhance well-being.

- Note: Remember to wash the Elite Shungite chips throughly with water to remove any minute particles and dust. 

- Black Shungite ( Type III Shungite) is not recommended to consume as crystal water, due to only contain 30%-50% carbon. 

- There is about 50grams of Elite Shungite chips inside one ( 1) packet.