Universal Tarot Deck by Roberto de Angelis

Universal Tarot Deck by Roberto de Angelis


The Italian master illustrator Roberto De Angelis was inspired by the iconography described in A. E. Waite's works while recreating the same symbolic immediacy of the tarots by Pamela Colman Smith in a modern style. 

Much of that which has been written about the Waite Tarots can also be applied to the Universal Tarots. There are, however, some substantial differences. The softer and more dynamic style of De Angelis captures some of the symbolic synthesis and sobriety of the pre-Raffaelesque illustrations. In exchange, the more modern and realistic aspect is more consistent with our time and more in tune with the thinking of contemporary man. 

  • 78-Card Deck and small booklet 

  • 6.6cm x 12 cm