Connecting with Fairies Made Easy by Flavia Kate Peters

Connecting with Fairies Made Easy by Flavia Kate Peters


Fairies are nature spirits and the guardian angels of the natural world. Flavia Kate Peters - known as the Faery Seer -has been communing with them since childhood and is a wisdom keeper of the fairy realm. In this book, she shares where to find fairies and how to communicate with them through spells, meditations, invocations and magical ceremonies. She leads the reader through unique exercises such as Fire Scrying, Moon Bathing and Fairy Circling. Having communicated with many different kinds of fairies, she explains the differences between them - from gnomes and sylphs to salamanders and undines - and what their roles are in the natural world.

For those new to the Fairy realm, this book is an essential resource to help them reopen the gates to the mystical world of the Fairies.
  • 224 pages
  • 13.3cm x 1.5cm x 20.3cm